My daughter ran away again. From her temporary foster family. Not us, for once. She runs from the nightmares of Sierra Leone and Guinea, from stability, from love. She may be (depending on the therapist, social worker or judge) ADHD, PTSD, Tourette's, bipolar, conduct disorder, etc. etc. She has no impulse control and thus no cause and effect thinking. She is highly manipulative like many adopted children. My husband and I are sick and tired of the experts and parents who never have had a child with emotional and neurological problems who make it clear we do not how to parent. Everyone has an opinion. It is only since she has started the same behaviors with the fosters and authorities that we have felt anything like support.
She has a long, difficult road. But so do we. No one understands the mentally ill and personality disordered unless experienced firsthand.
Update: At age 18, in her senior year, back with her previous foster family, she gave birth to a son and is after some mood stabilization post partum, has reverted to the same behaviors. We are raising her son.
She has a long, difficult road. But so do we. No one understands the mentally ill and personality disordered unless experienced firsthand.
Update: At age 18, in her senior year, back with her previous foster family, she gave birth to a son and is after some mood stabilization post partum, has reverted to the same behaviors. We are raising her son.