Thursday, May 16, 2013

It's too darned hot!

I am in Udaipur for the third day and the heat continues to make Dante's Inferno seem like a ski holiday.  I am too hot to move, to blog, to do much of anything.  I am supposed to go shopping, but I don't see that happening either.  Tuesday it goes up to 108 degrees Fahrenheit.  Oh, god.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Day 1: I arrive in India

Well, I was pleasantly surprised when the flight from JFK to Delhi was on time.  Everything went smoothly until I arrived and went through customs.  No one was there from my hotel.  Meanwhile, Rick was getting calls from my travel agent saying they were looking for me.  I did not see a sign with my name on it, so we must have missed each other.  I just didn't feel like dealing with the touts.  Sure I was slightly ripped off by the price, but it was cheaper than a year ago, so it wasn't all bad.

The heat.  It was over  100 degrees Fahrenheit today, but it didn't feel like it, so I may have missed the worst of it today.  My hotel is a dusty, dirty place running along the conduit roads to from the airport.  The room itself is fine but three guys carried my luggage and tried for three separate tips.  I handed the tip to one and said split it.  The key had to be reprocessed to work, but now I am in my room hoping jet lag will not stress me too much tonight.  I got a bottle of water and a dreadful chai.  I will eat snacks until tomorrow.  Tomorrow I grab breakfast at Priyanka's place, with Praveer as well.  Thank god for facebook.  We got in touch that way. 

The street noise is loud, but I believe I can sleep through it.